The MiddleGray arts
The MiddleGray wants to allow the coexistence of all kinds of arts under one roof, and it strives to create more options and contribute to the advancement of the art and cultural scene in the Boston area and to the growth of young promising local artists. It is also important for us to create a place that allows accessibility to the arts and art education. By creating a multidisciplinary art space and sharing it to showcase all kinds of artistic works, we’ll bring together more options for artists and art consumers, thus attracting more people to the community and making it stronger.
Musicians, writers and performers:
If interested in reading or performing at The Middle Gray, please submit your press kit/portfolio to [email protected]
Visual Arts Call for Entries!
The Middle Gray is looking for artists for its first 2 shows. Here are the details:
The MiddleGray Gallery/Café is proud to open its first call for entry to local emerging artists. We would like to celebrate your up-and-coming career and invite you to unite forces as we open our doors to the public for the first time.
Emergence is about new beginnings, stepping into the light, first appearances, being born, blooming, becoming, materializing, arriving, etc. Any literal and figurative interpretations are welcome; the point is to showcase fresh and exciting new work.
Emergence Submissions Guidelines
The MiddleGray Gallery/Café would like to invite you to take a look back and reflect on what’s changed. Some times we forget where we come from or how everything started, but remembering these things gives us perspective; it reminds us to be thankful and proud or it encourages us to try harder.
Progress is about change, remembrance, evolution, growth, maturing, ripening, fruition, insight, etc. Any literal and figurative interpretations are welcome; the point is to showcase fresh and exciting new work.